Journeywell: A Guide to Quality Aging, Trish Herbert, PhD


Three Ups to Aging Well:
Wake up, Show up, Lighten Up
By Trish Herbert

Editor's note: Trish Herbert arrived in Minnesota in 1955 to attend Carleton College, and she never left the state. She lives in the Minneapolis area with her husband, raised four children, and now has ten grandchildren. She became a licensed psychologist, receiving her PhD in her mid-fifties with a specialization in gerontology. She continues to be fascinated with people’s stories, the many twists and turns that life brings, and how well we manage to muddle through our respective journeys. As a psychologist she worked with older adults and their families, facilitated caregiver, grief, and support groups, and now, semi-retired, does some volunteering, teaching, and counseling. See the exerpt on the Learning page from her new book, Journeywell: A Guide to Quality Aging.

Visit her website at

I welcome Trish and her amazing ability to connect with people!  Her book, Journeywell: A Guide To Quality Aging, has been a wonderful tool for me as I continue my journey in learning and living according to my purpose - family, loving friends and community.  Thank you Trish!